System Requirements


1. Mandatory Performance Requirements

M.P.1The system will complete landing process on static platform in 180s, with 60% success rateThe landing process should be completed in a limited amount of time in order to be useful for real use cases
M.P.2UAV and UGV will detect and avoids obstacles with 100% success rate in standard eventsBoth the UAV and the UGV need to avoid obstacles perfectly for each event, otherwise critical hardware failure would occur
M.P.3In the test space (area 10x10m, path length>20m), UGV will complete mapping within 180s, with (x, y) error less than (0.2m, 0.2m)The UGV needs to complete the mapping in a short time
M.P.4In the test space above, UGV will reach the target point within 120s, with (x, y) error less than (0.3m, 0.3m)The UGV should be able to accurately reach the target landing point in a short time
M.P.5UAV will take off with 500g additional weightThe UAV needs to takeoff with the additional weights of sensors and magnetic force from platform
M.P.6UAV will continuously fly for 10 minThe UAV should reserve sufficient fly time which allows for plan and execution
M.P.7UAV will be able to communicate with UGV within the range of 15mSince UAV needs to fly off to do tasks, 15m communication range is needed for testing
M.P.8Neither UGV or UAV runs out of battery during the taskBoth robots need to plan energy consumption ahead to finish the task
M.P.9UAV will have a GPS error within 1mThe UAV should have an accurate GPS signal

2. Mandatory Non-functional Requirements

M.N.1 Total cost under $5000Budget set by MRSD project - does not
include parts that are already available
M.N.2 The system can be operated in an controlled outdoor environmentBoth UAV and UGV must be operated and
tested in an environment with desired
M.N.3The system should be accessible to people with almost no trainingBoth UAV and UGV must be controllable by
people with no strong technical background
M.N.4The system has emergency stop mechanism for both UAV and UGVThe system can immediately stop when the
user presses the emergency stop button
M.N.5The system should have a landing platform that fits the UGVThe UGV should have a landing platform for the UAV to land
M.N.6The UAV should have protection guard to avoid propeller injuriesThe protection guard is required for the UAV to avoid propeller injuries
M.N.7The UAV and UGV’ sizes will be small
enough to fit in residential environments
Both UAV and UGV should have reasonable
size for ease of operation in residential