Log No. | Date Discovered | Date Resolved | Description | Issue Resolution Update/Status |
1 | 01/13/2020 | 01/20/2020 | Ground Plane not showing our customized image in Gazebo | There is a single typo that is not giving errors. |
2 | 01/29/2020 | 02/05/2020 | Nvidia TX2 not compatible with RealSense cameras. | Switched to Intel NUC processor. Cameras drivers are easily installed. |
3 | 02/14/2020 | 02/19/2020 | Cameras could not be tightened to the screw. | Solved by introducing another bolt between the camera and the screw. |
4 | 03/25/2020 | 04/03/2020 | Rtab-generated map got some holes in between. | Set the param Grid/Ray-Tracing to true. |
6 | 03/31/2020 | 04/05/2020 | Difficulty to collect our own training data for lane detection. | Developed an automation process to get image and ground truth at the same time. |
5 | 04/06/2020 | 04/08/2020 | Pytorch installation issue with incompatible CUDA, CuDnn, and GPU driver versions. | Update GPU driver to 410 and find compatible corresponding versions for other packages. |
7 | 04/15/2020 | 04/19/2020 | The localization error was over 1.3m, but our requirement was under 0.5m. | Replaced EKF with ICP odometry. |
8 | 09/15/2020 | 09/31/2020 | Autonomous movement is very jerky on the Husky | Build with release flag, change other parameters to reduce computational load of planner |
9 | 10/02/2020 | 10/05/2020 | Center line is not easily visible | Reinforce with yellow seatbelt roll |
10 | 10/05/2020 | 10/07/2020 | Projection of lane lines onto costmap is distorted | Use rgb camera intrinsics instead of depth camera intrinsics |
11 | 10/15/2020 | 10/17/2020 | Goal generated off costmap | Decrease distance along egoline that we traverse before calculating a goal |
12 | 11/01/2020 | 11/12/2020 | Husky MCU fried | Talked with Clearpath customer service. Successfully ordered, installed, and debugged new MCU board |
13 | 11/05/2020 | 11/12/2020 | Parking pose inconsistent | Refine Aruco tag filtering algorithm to reduce noise in detected pose |