
Fall Validation Demonstration

The Fall Validation Demonstration was conducted in two parts, in simulation, and on hardware. The following sections detail the tests performed and results obtained for both demos.


In the simulation, we showcased the chassis’ ability to plan a path to the desired pod, identify it, and dock with it. It would then drop the pod off at a predefined undocking location. The validation criteria and results for the demo were:

  1. The system will continuously log the system state and health. State transitions occur only when the last action has been completed. The logs will present system state, health, and results of actions in an easily readable manner.

The Behavioural State Machine node and the Health Monitoring System operated continuously throughout the length of the simulation. The system state was logged by the State Machine. It outputted the current time, current operation mode (pickup, drop-off, idle), current state, the action performed and its output, and the state the system will transition into as a result of the action taken. The Health Monitoring System also outputted the results of sanity and persistence checks for all nodes and sensors.

    2.  (Un)Docking will be done within 120s.

This criterion satisfies M.P.2. 4 processes are subsumed within this requirement: approach navigation to either pick up or drop-off the pod, final pose verification when the approach is complete, retrace if the pose achieved is outside error bounds, and the physical act of docking and lifting up the pod or undocking and placing it on the ground. The chassis executed all the procedures well within 120s in all scenarios including those in which the chassis had to retrace its path to the start of the Payload Handling Zone (PHZ) except when approach navigation fails due to a large difference in the initial pose of the chassis from the ideal initial pose at the start of the PHZ. In order to induce this failure, we had to manually shift the chassis in the simulation from the pose it had achieved at the end of the point-to-point (P2P) navigation. Our P2P algorithm ensures that the probability of occurrence of such cases is low.

    3.  The simulation should have a success rate of 85%.

The success criterion subsumes M.P.1 (chassis will identify pod when it is within 2m of the PHZ), M.P.3 (chassis will achieve docking pose with an error margin of ±5 cm in position and ±5.54 degrees in orientation), and M.P.8 (chassis will identify PHZ 90% of the time). During testing, the P2P navigation was always successful, and the chassis was always able to detect it’s proximity to the PHZ. The chassis was able to achieve a docking pose within the error bounds imposed by M.P.3 either on the first try or after retracing in 90% of the cases. The system was also able to detect, report, and diagnose system failures within 2000ms (M.P.5). It also maintained a minimum distance of 30cm at all times from objects (M.P.7) and determined their pose with an accuracy of 5cm (M.P.6). Overall, the entire process was successful 7 out of 8 times (87.5% success rate).

Table 1 below lists the unit tests that were performed to validate each of the mandatory performance requirements along with the success rate of the test.  These tests were performed in addition to the Fall Validation demonstration to ensure the successful operation of the entire system.


We also validated some of the algorithms we had developed with real-world data using a makeshift mobile platform with sensors mounted on top of it. The metrics that were verified and the results are described below.

  1. Predicted pod position (x,y) for relative localization is within 20 cm of the ground-truth, and the orientation (yaw) is within ±11.80 degrees of the ground-truth. The same margins hold for the predicted docking pose (x,y, yaw) error and actual error.

For this test, we first placed the mobile platform in front of the pod where it was able to view the AprilTags mounted on the pod. The system was able to predict the pod’s detected location to within the accuracy bounds mentioned above even when the platform was rotated and translated in different directions. The platform was then moved underneath the pod. It was able to predict the docking pose within the bounds as well.

    2.  Object locations are detected with an accuracy of ± 5 cm (M.P.6).

This requirement was met. We also demonstrated the pedestrian tracking ability of our system. Our system was able to identify moving pedestrians and differentiate them from static obstacles. It was also able to reassign them the same ID when they reentered the camera’s field of view.

Table 1: FVD Performance Evaluation


Demo / Requirement

Success Rate



Path Planned to PHZ


Identifying proximity of ~ 2 m to PHZ (MP1)


2.1 Approach

Pod identified correctly (MP requires  > 90%) (MP8)


Vehicle completes approach to docking position.


Max error of 5 cm in the docking position (MP3)


Max error of 5.54 degrees in the docking orientation (MP3)


2.2 Retracing

Identify misalignment and perform retracing (MP2)


Max error of 5 cm in the docking position (MP3)


Max error of 5.54 degrees in the docking orientation (MP3)


3.1 HMS

Failure diagnosis and log within 2000 ms (MP5)


The system is able to log recovery of nodes and topics


3.2 Object detection

Detect object location with an accuracy of ±5 cm (MP6)


Maintain minimum distance of 30 cm from obstacles (MP7)


4. Docking/ Undocking

This test along with Test 2.1 are completed within 120s (MP2)


State change request is raised with trigger condition and logged.


Docking/undocking mechanism is successfully executed and the pod is lifted up or lowered in a stable manner depending on system state.


Spring Validation Demonstration

Targeted Requirements

For the Spring, we targeted the requirements that relate to the process of navigating to the pod and then aligning with it. Detailed requirements can be found here.

Table 1: Targetted Requirements

MP Description Subsystem System Element
1 Plan path < 120 km Navigation Mission Planner
2 Identify proximity to PHZ Navigation, Sensing Localization
3 Dock < 120 s Navigation, Docking, Sensing Motion Planning, Align, Verify
4 Align within the error margin Navigation, Docking, Sensing Localization, Verify, Mission Planner
6 Diagnose failures < 2 s Safety Health Monitoring System (HMS)
7 Detect objects Sensing, Navigation Detection
8 Stop > 30 cm from obstacles Sensing, Navigation, Safety Detection, HMS


The following table lists the tests we had planned for the Spring Validation Demonstration, their description, and the results that we obtained in our preliminary tests as well as in both the validation demonstrations.

The video can be found here.

Table 2: SVD Performance Evaluation

Tests Demo/Requirement Result (out of 5 tries)
  1. Navigation
Path Planned to PHZ (M.P.1) Successful – 5/5
Identifying proximity of ~ 2 m to PHZ (M.P.2) Successful – 5/5
  1. Safety
MP Failure diagnosis and log within 2000 ms (M.P.6) Successful – 5/5
Detect obstacles with an accuracy of 5 cm (M.P.7) Detected – 5/5

With 5 cm accuracy – 3/5

Maintain a distance of 30 cm from obstacles (M.P.8) Successful – 5/5
  1. Alignment
Dock within 120 s (M.P.3) Successful – 5/5

Without Retrace: 26.5 s

With Retrace: 65.5 s

Max error of 5 cm in docking position (M.P.4) 3.2 cm error on average
Max error of 5.54 degrees in docking orientation (M.P.4) 0.284 degrees average
  1. Retracing
Identify misalignment and perform retracing  Successful 4/5
Max error of 5 cm in docking position (M.P.4) 4.6 cm on average
Max error of 5.54 degrees in docking orientation (M.P.4) 0.3 degrees average

Detailed Tests Performed

This section will give the detailed tests performed and which subsystems and requirements were validated.

1. Navigation

Subsystems Validated: Simulation and Navigation Subsystem (Localization, Detection, and Point to Point Navigation)

Table 3: Navigation Subsystem Tests

No. Test Expected Outcome MPs
1.1 Launch Gazebo world simulation, load world map (Rviz), spawn pod.  Gazebo world launched, vehicle has spawned, pod has spawned and map has been loaded.
1.2 Start Autoware localization and planning nodes. Localization visible. PHZ and its start location based on prior visible in Rviz.
1.3 Plan path till pod, load waypoints. Planned path visible on map. M.P.1
1.4 Execute path Chassis starts moving towards goal. M.P.1
1.5 Place obstacles in the path of the vehicle. The vehicle stops before collision occurs. M.P.7, M.P.8
1.6 Identify PHZ when within 2m from start point. Chassis halts when PHZ is detected. M.P.2
1.7 Identify the pod and predict its location based on laser scan data. AprilTags 1 and 2 identified. Pod location estimated. Waypoints for further motion visible. M.P. 9

2. Safety

Subsystems Validated: Safety

Table 4: Safety Subsystem Tests

No. Test Expected Outcome MPs
2.1 Manually crash obstacle-avoidance node. Persistence check detects crashed node within 2s M.P.6
2.2 Manually stop publishing to NDT-pose topic Persistence check detects crashed node within 2s M.P.6
2.3 Restart NDT-pose after introducing misalignment. Sanity check detects wrong pose info within 2s M.P.6
2.4 Publish incorrect lidar data. Sanity check detects incorrect data. M.P.6
2.5 Try to cause collision using tele-op. Obstacle detection node prevents collision from occurring via HMS M.P.7, M.P.8

3. Align 

Subsystems Validated: Navigation (Approach Navigation) and Docking

Table 5: Align Navigation Tests

No. Test Expected Outcome MPs
3.1 Launch a different simulation for docking. Gazebo world launched, vehicle has spawned, pod has spawned with the Apriltags loaded.
3.2 Start 2D LIDAR-based localization and planning nodes, load pod location prior estimate. Localization visible. PHZ and its start location based on prior visible.
3.3 Generate set of waypoints for approach navigation procedure. Waypoints will be generated and visible in RViz visualization.
3.4 Execute approach navigation using pure pursuit algorithm and PD velocity control. The chassis will follow the set of waypoints and align itself under the pod.
3.5 Perform pose verification using the laser scan data. The estimated pose error and docking error will be shown on the screen. M.P.4
3.6 Perform docking once again with misalignment Final estimated pose and docking error are displayed on screen. M.P.4

4. Retracing

Subsystems Validated: Docking

Table 6: Retracing Tests

No. Test Expected Outcome MPs
4.1 Introduce misalignment wrt the pod to begin retrace and dock again The bot uses the error estimate to identify that it is misaligned and starts retracing its path to the start of the PHZ.

It then begins to align again with the pod by navigating in PHZ

M.P3, M.P.4