System Requirements

Mandatory Performance Requirements

PR1-M Accept input of a sequence of blocks to spray from users over the internet with maximum latency of 1 minute
PR2-M Navigate autonomously to the block within 3m diameter of the marked way-point
PR3-M Drive autonomously within Juniper tree rows with average speed 0.3m/s and without colliding with pots with 90% accuracy
PR4-M Turn into the next row with 80% accuracy and within 10m from the end of the row
PR5-M Automatically stop with 80% accuracy when it encounters a positive obstacle of size greater than or equal to 0.3 m x 0.3 m (b x h)
PR6-M Toggle sprayer within 4m of the beginning and 4m after the end of the row and should be off at all other times or if the robot is static
PR7-M Estimate and communicate the robot position with 5m accuracy
PR8-M Communicate battery and herbicide status every 5 minutes and alerts the user

Desirable Performance Requirements

PR1-D Identify and count empty pots accurately 80% of the times

Mandatory Non-Functional Requirements

NFR1-M Have a width of less than 40 inches.
NFR2-M Have battery life of 3hrs
NFR3-M Can carry 3hrs worth of herbicide payload
NFR4-M Cost under $40,000 for total development
NFR5-M Have the ability to be stopped remotely
NFR6-M Have nominal speed of 0.5m/s
NFR7-M Be easy to disassemble

Desirable Non-Functional Requirements

NFR1-D Be dust resistant and water splash resistant
NFR2-D Weigh less than 70kg
NFR3-D Have a lifetime of 5000 hours