Multi-Robot SLAM (MRSLAM)

  • MRSLAM localizes the agents and generates a map of the environment.
  • MRSLAM is an extension of SLAM Toolbox package to support multi-robot systems.
  • MRSLAM generates a map and estimates poses of the agents. 
  • A single pose-graph is constructed from each agent’s sensor measurements: odometry and 2D laser scans
  • The built map incorporates information from every agent and estimates of their poses. 
  • Loop closures occur when laser scans are matched between any previous scan from any agent, triggering pose-graph optimization and correcting any drift from odometry.
  • MRSLAM is able to build, extend, and improve maps of complex environments very accurately and robustly.

MRSLAM has made several contributions to SLAM toolbox, the default SLAM package for ROS2

More contributions are on the way! (1, 2, 3)

Single robot builds mapMultiple robots build same map together
Estimates pose for single robotEstimates poses for multiple robots simultaneously
Agent can only loop close where it has visitedAgent can loop close anywhere that any agent has seen