Posts by rachelzh

Fleet Management System

Fleet Management System

The fleet management system (FMS) communicates with the agents and monitors their status. It is responsible for establishing socket connections...



The navigation subsystem takes in the current poses of the robots, and their assigned tasks, as well as a map...



The perception subsystem identifies victims in the environment which are modeled as AprilTags. It runs on each robot and takes...

Multi-Robot SLAM (MRSLAM)

Multi-Robot SLAM (MRSLAM)

MRSLAM localizes the agents and generates a map of the environment. MRSLAM is an extension of SLAM Toolbox package to...

Spring Subsystems

Spring Subsystems

Localization The localization subsystem determines pose of an agent given a map of the environment. Inputs Output Initial estimated pose...

Fall Project Test Plan

Fall Project Test Plan

Spring Project Test Plan

Spring Project Test Plan

Progress Review 4

Progress Review 4

Localization Got agents to connect to CMU-DEVICE WiFi, enabling testing outside VICON area Borrowed WiFi router from lab to avoid...

Progress Review 3

Progress Review 3

Localization: Extended localization to operate with multiple robots Designed mount for LIDAR sensors to Kheperas Adjusted architecture to support agent...

Progress Review 2

Progress Review 2

Localization: VICON data was saved to rosbags and used to tune hyperparameters of SLAM Toolbox Single-robot localization is fairly robust ...