Issue 1: Hardware

Item NumberHW 1
Date Initiated28 March 2023
Date Resolved05 April 2023
ParticipantsSankalp @schopkar, Sudhansh @syelishe
DescriptionCastor wheels of Khepera IV falling off during testing
Options1. Add foam padding to dampen the buckling effect
2. Decrease performance requirement on gap size from 21 cm to 19 cm
3. Re-print enclosure with stoppers to reduce vertical displacement
ResolutionShort term we went with (1), long term we will reduce the requirement to preserve hardware since it is borrowed from the AAR Lab
JustificationRedesign this late would take significant time, and there is no guarantee that the other solutions will work well without testing
Issue HW1
Item NumberHW 2
Date Initiated04 April 2023
Date Resolved05 April 2023
ParticipantsSankalp @schopkar, Sudhansh @syelishe
Description3D printed enclosure damaged due to excessive heating of solenoid lock
Options1. Replace the solenoid lock
2. Change the control logic to decrease the current drawing time for the solenoid lock
ResolutionWe proceeded with option (2)
JustificationChanging a component will require a significant design change
Issue HW2

Issue 2: Software

Item NumberSW 1
Date Initiated16 February 2023
Date Resolved27 February 2023
ParticipantsHarishankar @hravisan
DescriptionThe controller is too slow and erratic in appearance
Options1. Improve the PID tuning for each action taken by the controller (moving or turning)
2. Decrease the density of waypoints generated by the planner
3. Move to an MPC controller which does not require close waypoints for smooth trajectories
ResolutionTo remain on track, we are attacking on two fronts – tuning the PID while working on an MPC implementation in parallel and go with whatever works best at the end
JustificationIdeally, MPC would have been a good choice but we didn’t have the knowledge at the time to implement it, so we went with PID, in the beginning, to get a working baseline to iterate over.
Item NumberSW 2
Date Initiated28 March 2023
Date Resolved05 April 2023
ParticipantsDhanvi @dsreeniv, Sudhansh @syelishe
DescriptionMulti Label A* versus Sequential A*
Options1. Use sequential A* for each goal in an agent’s queue with CBS running for each new location popped
2. Use Multi-Label A* to determine a global path through each goal location and run CBS over the full path
ResolutionWe went with (1) due to simplicity of extending and debugging. This moves away from optimality but is faster and in practice works well enough on hardware
JustificationTo save time and effort for resolving more complicated edge cases and ensuring planner doesn’t break