Spring 2023

Performance Breakdown

Success CriteriaRequirementsUnit TestsSVDEncore
Crossing gaps of length 19 cmP1, P3, P610 / 152/21/1
80% reliability for the coupling mechanismP3, P414 / 152/21/1
100% POIs reachedP2, P524 / 303/33/4
100% Collisions AvoidedP229 / 302/33/4
POI exploration less than 5 mins per run P222 / 303/33/4

Key Takeaways

3D Printing is not reliable enough for our designs
Test out key assumptions as early as possible
Localization is very important to our successes
WiFi comms are unreliable without precautions
The necessity of well-documented issue logs
Start integrating as early as possible
Robustness can be greatly improved
Don’t over-test mechanisms – they tend to break