Issues Log & Decision Log

Decision Log

Decision #DatePeople InvolvedTopicDecisionAlternativeRationale
12/2/23Alec Trela & Solomon FentonEnd-Effector Testing– Testing End-Effector in a qualitative manner– Look to link sensor data to gripping performance (force, torque)– Too hard to link sensor data to performance in this setting
22/20/23All Team MembersxArm is broken– Move forward with the Sawyer arm for SVD and confirm availability with Kantor
– Simultaneously, get a simulation environment working with an “arm-agnostic” planner able to handle both 6 and 7 DOF arms
– Entirely Simulation environment for the spring
– Get some to buy an arm
– Reach out to other resources (MFI)
– Discussion with sponsor
– Sawyer seems like the only available arm this semester but will not be the arm going to Iowa so we also need to develop an “arm-agnostic” simulation
32/27/23Alec and SolomonArduino vs Raspberry PIArduinoRaspberry PI– Dynamixel shield compatible with Arduino
– Didn’t have RPi
43/11/23Alec and SolomonSerial Communication ProtocolUse Arduino Mega and alternative RX/TX pins with FTDI serial to usb converterUse Arduino Uno and SoftwareSerial to convert digital pins to UART pinsArduino Uno route did not work, using the Mega is more reliable. Also leaves additional UART pins for future proofing
53/15/23Alec and SolomonDual blades for cutterBlades on both sides of the cutting mechanismSingle blade– More effective cutting
64/3/23All Team MembersSwitch to Kinova armUse the Kinova Gen3 6 DOF arm in the Tepper AI Makerspace for the SVD– Motion planning in simulation
– Sawyer arm
– The Sawyer arm is not capable of handling the orientation constraints and obstacles necessary for our SVD

Issues Log

Issue NumberDate FoundDate FixedChange Made ByOriginIssue DescriptionResolution PlanArtifact(s)Resolved?
11/29/20231/29/2023jiyoonpNo data on the internetDon’t have pepper datasetMade them from youtube farm videosDatasetYes
22/7/20232/8/2023jiyoonpThe format we created/labeled the datasets were wrongAssertionError: Expected target boxes to be a tensor of shape [N, 4], got torch.Size([0])I changed the datasets that were being used to train the model. Like reducing the size from 1500 to 500 images. I assume there was something wrong with the datasets. (but when I checked for the images that were throwing errors, they was nothing wrong.)CodeYes
32/8/20232/8/2023jiyoonpThe way imshow takes in argumentsnormalizing the image and doing imshow will show me a black imageDon’t pass in normalized image → de-normalize and show an imageCodePostponed as we are not using Faster R-CNN
42/9/20232/12/2023shriishsColab code was set up but model would not begin the trainingYOLOv7 will not start trainingSpeak to seniors and read official documentation to check for potential mistakes in codeCleaned code and changed hyperparametersYes
52/10/20232/19/2023sfentonCutter testingCutting results poorer than expectedWill need to experiment with other cutting mechanisms and higher torque motors.Cutter prototypeYes
62/13/20232/17/2023shriishsModel reaches maximum accuracy level and saturatesYOLOv7 validation accuracy saturatesRead online about hyperparameter tuningRealized that the accuracy being acheived was state-of-the-art valuesYes
72/13/20232/15/2023atrelaTesting of Gear Driven Cutter DesignDynamixel SDK wasn’t driving motorAsk Jash how to fix it and use the GUI in the meantimeReplaced Raspberry Pi for Arduino + Dynamixel ShieldYes
82/16/20232/23/2023sridevikMeeting with Dominic GurixArm is not going to be easy to fix or is unfixableemail John Dolan, George Kantor, and Kroemer — see what they have to say and look for potential replacement arm optionsManipulator hardware platform, SVD testbedOngoing
92/21/20232/23/2023atrelaTesting a Daisy Chain operation of our motorsCould not operate the AX-12 Dynamixel Motor with the ShieldTry refactored code, will try to run this past Jash as well if the refactored code does not solve it.Swapped the AX-12 for MX-28Yes
104/1/234/3/23sridevikTesting with constraints on the Sawyer armThe Sawyer arm’s reachability map is not good enough to handle our set of orientation constraints and obstaclesSwitch to the Kinova arm in the Tepper AI MakerspaceKinova Gen3 6 DOF ArmYes
114/10/234/12/23shriishsFull system integration led to inaccurate POI computationsCamera was not properly calibratedCreated a formalized camera calibration process using an Aruco marker, the Kinova camera, and the RealSense cameraAruco marker, Kinova camera, code, calibrated transform valuesYes
124/12/23sridevikSwitching from Kinova simulation to real armCartesian moving with Kinova armSet longer durations on the movements so that the acceleration/velocity limits were not exceededCodeOngoing
134/26/23sfentonSVD EncoreDynamixel Motor FailureLook into potential reasons for the motor failure over the summerDynamixel motorsOngoing