
Trailer for SVD: Link redirect to YouTube || Full SVD Recording : Link redirect to YouTube

Spring Validation Demo

Link for Summary Video

Spring Performance Results

Our spring demonstrations was a successful display of a rugged design operating in a GPS denied state detecting and mapping out hotspots laid out in a field. The complete list of the targeted requirements and how we faired is as follows:

MP 1: Localize itself with at least 10HzPassedLocalized itself with ~ 200Hz
MP 2: Localize itself within a drift of 4%PassedAverage drift of runs ~ 1.5%
MP 3: Have a flight time of more than 5 minutesPassedAchieved 6min 34s during early testing. Average SVD run was 3.5 minutes well within endurance limit.
MP 4: Detect fires with accuracy > 70%PassedSVD: Accuracy = 100% with 1 false positive
Encore: Accuracy = 86%
MP 5: Localize fire position up to 5m distance in front of the drone.PassedLocalized fire positions up to 5m distance
MP 6: Have a Communication Range > 150mPassedShowed standalone test video during SVD

Trailer for FVD: Link redirect to YouTube

Fall Validation Demo

Link for Summary Video

Fall Performance Results

This is discussed in brief along with subsystem status at the end of our project under the System Performance page which can be found under the System section in the website menu.