System Requirements

Mandatory Functional Requirements

IDFunctional RequirementsPerformance RequirementsJustification/Assumption
M.F.1The system shall detect weeds in its environment and path.M.P.1 Precision > 60 %
M.P.2 Recall > 60 %
The system is required to detect weeds with over 60% accuracy and completeness, ensuring most weed identifications are correct and most actual weeds are detected.
M.F.2The system shall localize detected weeds in the world frame.M.P.3 Localization RMSE < 100 π‘šπ‘šThe system must pinpoint weed locations within 100mm accuracy, as measured by the root mean square error (RMSE) between detected and actual weed positions.
M.F.3The system shall position the tool to target the desired location.M.P.4 Manipulator Positioning RMSE < 50 π‘šπ‘šThe system must accurately position its tool within 50mm of the target location, as determined by the RMSE value between the commanded and actual tool positions.
M.F.4The system shall eliminate the weeds within the area of operation.M.P.5 Targeting RMSE < 50 π‘šπ‘š
M.P.6 Efficacy of Elimination > 70 %
The system must target weeds with an RMSE of less than 50mm and ensure that at least 70% of treated weeds show visible damage within 24 hours.
M.F.5System shall maintain throughput and effectivenessM.P.7 Throughput > 100 m^2/hr
M.P.8 Effectiveness > 50 %
The system shall cover an area of 100 meters squared every hour in conditions where weed-density is less than 2 weeds per meter squared while able to 𝑍𝐴𝐴𝑃𝑃 50 % of the targeted weeds.