System Implementation

As of the completion of SVD and SVD Encore, our system implementation demonstrated all objectives previously set. Individual subsystems are functional as intended.

Weed Detection and Localization Subsystem

The forward detection model was trained on dataset collect from adjacent farm. The forward detection shows promising results. Video below show its available to distinguish weeds from the soil in testbed setup.

Video below shows the foward facing detection working with customized testing dataset from adjacent farm.

Downward facing demonstration is a combination of manipulator accuracy test, eye-safe laser functional, and downward detection accuracy. The video below shows the result of the implementation.

Weeding Manipulator Subsystem

Linear Stage Motion Demo

Angular Motion Demo

Mounted on a simple aluminum frame, the subsystem features a lead screw and sliding carriage mechanism driven by a stepper motor for linear motion. A hinge and winch servo enable rotation, with the end effector mount designed for easy attachment of tools. Two videos above shows manual commands of manipulator and individual accuracy in position the tool

Video below demonstrated manipulator accuracy. The video is a combination of manipulator accuracy test, eye-safe laser functional, and downward detection accuracy. The video is a part of SVD records.

Weeding Mechanism

The mechanism will be capable of both chemical spraying and laser weeding, with designs allowing for easy interchangeability. The spraying system uses a peristaltic pump and atomizing nozzle, while the laser system involves a custom PCB and diode laser with heatsink.

The dual-solution approach allows for flexibility and adaptability to different weeding scenarios. Precision spraying offers simplicity, whereas laser weeding provides an environmentally friendly solution. The trade study led to this dual approach over singular methods to capitalize on the strengths of both systems.

Sprayer Mechanism

The sprayer mechanism has been built. The mechanism has good seal without any visual sign of leakage, consistent flow rate. The nozzle has been replaced with regular nozzle, enabling the system to perform accurate spot spray. The performance result can be viewed on performance page.

Laser Mechanism

Effect of full power laser damage to plants @ 50% capability

The laser system successfully demonstrate the efficacy of full-power laser.

Video below demonstrated eye-safe laser functional. The video is a combination of manipulator accuracy test, eye-safe laser functional, and downward detection accuracy. The video is a part of SVD records.