Spring Validation Experiment Performance

Based on the questions framed using the requirements of each subsystem in the last section, we prepared a table of criteria which would affect the answers to those questions depending upon the success and failures to meet them.

The table is designed such that if the criteria is met, then we mark it as 1 or we mark it as 0 otherwise. If the criteria is met partially and is within the acceptable value then we mark it as 0.5. The total score of each iteration is taken and divided by the number of criteria. This would give us the success and failure probability. If this probability is more than what we promised in performance requirements then the system is delivered as promised but if not then there is certain improvement that has to be done.

For the complete system, we performed 10 iterations with different initial conditions and restarting the system entirely. By different initial conditions, we placed the Turtlebots at random positions in the room and human was placed randomly a with the April tag in the room.
