Use Case


“Rohit Dashrathi, the luckiest man in the world, is going to have a big wedding today. And he has got a thought to introduce some new elements to this joyful ceremony.

One of his friends introduced him to the latest product from Gandhi Inc., a group of 7 robots which can take candid pictures of happy and smiling people collaboratively. This service can be rented from the company and is charged on an hourly basis.

Hosted in a 216 square foot area of the Sida hall and attended by 50 guests, this wedding ceremony is going to last more than three hours. The situation is mostly out of control for professional human photographers. But Rohit is not worried about it, as he has delegated the photography of this very special day in his life to a very very special army of robotic photographers, known as “Robographers”.


Throughout the event, Robographers have become a hot topic of discussion. These amusing robots wearing lovely dresses roaming around have added great charm to the wedding. Adjustable pan-tilt cameras on these units can capture photos of people of all heights, leaving no one unattended. The collision avoidance system keeps all the guests safe. Based on the processing speed greater than 20 Hz, Robographer can detected the human, recognize happy faces and take pictures at the very moment when they smile with joy. The most surprising part is, they are able to take candid pictures without drawing too much attention and all of the pictures are very natural and of high quality.
Besides recognizing smiling faces, these robots also remember people’s faces and thus avoid taking pictures of the same guest too many times. Armed with the head pose tracking technology, the Robographers can tell if the picture is good enough or not by the angle of the faces in the image. The best part is they can communicate with each other and find all smiling faces together.

Eventually the robots cover the whole event on both time scale and space scale, which is a high standard where no human photographer can reach. All the guests get natural and smiling pictures in their e-mail boxes sent directly from the Robographer. To Rohit’s surprise, the cost of hiring these autonomous photographers is half but the number and quality of pictures is doubled. This is the best wedding ever.”

-Article published in Tiffany Times, May 2015