Imagine a world without litter...


Mell – E
a little about..


Mell-E stands for Mobile Electromechanical Litter Locator – Earth Class. We aim to build a safe, reliable, cloud-based autonomous mobile robot to detect and collect litter in a campus environment. Sponsored in part by CloudMinds this is the Capstone project for the 2016-2017 Masters of Science in Robotic Systems Developement Team C.

Michael Vander Meiden


Michael Vander Meiden received a bachelors degree of Mechanical Engineering and Economics with a minor in Finance from The University of Miami in 2016.  His many interests include reading, gardening, investing, and entrepreneurship.

Benjamin Kuo

Benjamin is a tinkerer at heart and has been passionate about robotics since sophomore year of high school. He completed his undergraduate studies at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and he’s excited about changing the world one robot at a time.

Yoga Nadaraajan

Yoga completed his undergraduate studies in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His main interests are in Computer Vision, Control Systems and Multi Robot Systems.

Kai Li

Kai Li graduated from Tsinghua University in China, and is now a quick learner in team that want to mainly focus on Computer Vision and other software sides. Kai is passionate about bringing technology with business application.

Nima Rahnemoon

With a deep passion for building things, Nima is ecstatic about building Mell-E. As the main software engineer on the team, he’s responsible for the data magic that makes Mell-E work.

Meet the team