Requirements 10/19/2017

Mandatory Performance Requirements

MP.0Towing manipulation modalities succeed in extricating stuck rovers. The Fall and Spring Validation experiments respectively - will test these modalities aiming for 80% successful trials.
MP.1Rovers will successfully coordinate rescuing actions 80% of the time during a given trial.
MP.2Rovers will be perceptible to detecting entrapments (and a possible cause for the same) in less than 10 seconds from getting stuck.
MP.3Rovers will mark and avoid (marked) obstacles whose scale is larger than 25cm.
MP.4Rovers will localize themselves through specific features of environment with 1m accuracy.


Mandatory Non-Functional Requirements

MN.0Total cost of the project shall be less than the budget limit of $5,000.
MN.1Rovers shall be capable of taking photos with at least 60% pictures capturing their partners.


Desirable Performance Requirements

DP.0ManeuverstofreeroversshallsucceedintheFallValidationExperimentorSpringValidation Experiment test scenarios 100% of the time.
DP.1Rovers shall successfully coordinate actions 100% of the time.
DP.2Rovers shall be capable of communicating with each other at distances greater within 50m.
DP.3Rovers shall be capable of autonomously navigating to each other within 50m.
DP.4Rovers shall be capable of correlating ground features with aerial map features.


Desirable Non-Functional Requirements

DNF.0Autonomous functionality should work in any lighting condition in full day-night cycle.
DNF.1Rovers should be capable of rescuing each other from applicable situations by pushing.