Mandatory Performance Requirements
ID | Descriptions |
MP.0 | Towing manipulation modalities succeed in extricating stuck rovers. The Fall and Spring Validation experiments respectively - will test these modalities aiming for 80% successful trials. |
MP.1 | Rovers will successfully coordinate rescuing actions 80% of the time during a given trial. |
MP.2 | Rovers will be perceptible to detecting entrapments (and a possible cause for the same) in less than 10 seconds from getting stuck. |
MP.3 | Rovers will mark and avoid (marked) obstacles whose scale is larger than 25cm. |
MP.4 | Rovers will localize themselves through specific features of environment with 1m accuracy. |
Mandatory Non-Functional Requirements
ID | Description |
MN.0 | Total cost of the project shall be less than the budget limit of $5,000. |
MN.1 | Rovers shall be capable of taking photos with at least 60% pictures capturing their partners. |
Desirable Performance Requirements
ID | Description |
DP.0 | ManeuverstofreeroversshallsucceedintheFallValidationExperimentorSpringValidation Experiment test scenarios 100% of the time. |
DP.1 | Rovers shall successfully coordinate actions 100% of the time. |
DP.2 | Rovers shall be capable of communicating with each other at distances greater within 50m. |
DP.3 | Rovers shall be capable of autonomously navigating to each other within 50m. |
DP.4 | Rovers shall be capable of correlating ground features with aerial map features. |
Desirable Non-Functional Requirements
ID | Description |
DNF.0 | Autonomous functionality should work in any lighting condition in full day-night cycle. |
DNF.1 | Rovers should be capable of rescuing each other from applicable situations by pushing. |