Meeting 2017-11-02 Software Development (List of modules)

Agenda for the meeting on 2nd Nov’17.

Attendees: Team

Reviewer: TA/ Dimi/ John

Whatever is necessary and sufficient for the FVE only.

Resources: Matt, Dan, David, Karthik, Abdul

How much do we have – avg. 3hrs/ day

Who is doing what?

Map Generation:

  • Who is providing the map and of what? [map should be the test bed for the FVE]


  • wheel actuation [Available] [Not sure how to use-details]
  • SteeringĀ [Available] [Not sure how to use – details]
  • Magnet control
  • Winch control


  • Individual ROS nodes that can be subscribed
  • Sensor fusion [what does this mean?] [High level idea- What do we have to do?] [Any thoughts on the details of implementation?]
  • What is the mode of communication b/w the nodes and their interafaces – Pub-sub, server-client?


  • Tuning of the Control parameters for the mobile base actuators
  • Publish the header files / API


  • How to move to a point
  • What is the minimum step?
  • Documentation?


  • Fall Validation experiment [Steps to reach here -]
  • Presentations have to be complete a day in advance [votes]
  • Rehearse with the instructors on the day before or earlier
  • Rehearse presentation [on the day before]