Feedback 2017-11-02 SysEng Assignment #2 Comments (I)


For the 12:30 meeting I would be happy to discuss whatever would be of help to you (FVE per Abdul’s email), but here are my comments on your Systems Engineering presentation (some if not all of these apply to your PDR presentation, but I will have additional comments for that).  We can walk thought these comments as well in the meeting.


SysEngMR Assignment #2

Page 4 – These look more low-level functions, could be mapped to functional requirements
Page 5 – Good list of high-level functional requirements
Page 7 – Non-functional requirement #1 should be functional! Non-functional requirements #3 and 4 could be functional depending of how relevant the specific functionalities are to what the system of rovers is to do (just help each other or help each other AND report?)
Page 7 – Non-functional #2 is not a requirement; it sets an objective that would help define a performance target for functional #2
Page 9 – Performance requirements should be an one-to-one match to functional requirements. For example based on the specifics about rover alignment in performance requirement #2 you should have a functional requirement of the form: “Rover 1 shall align with Rover 2”
Page 9 – Performance requirement #3 – “Mark” as in physically mark or digitally mark?
Page 9 – Non-functional – see comments above
Page 10 – Revised FA – What do the 2 inputs connect to? For example, is the initial low-res map used in localization and mapping?
Page 10 – Revised FA – Are the same sensors used both for state estimation and mapping? Ok the cyberphysical architecture details
Page 11 – Revised CyPA – Is Tow Planning connect to or an extension of Path Planning?
Page 11 – Revised CyPA – The big block on Sensor Fusion actually does 2 things; pose estimation and sensing for mapping
Page 11 – Revised CyPA – A localization block is missing (mapping+pose estimation+sensing) Which sensor(s) do you use for localization?
Page 11 – Revised CyPA – Picture capturing is missing?
Page 12 – WBS – This seems to be a mixed bag of subsystems and functional work (analysis), some clean-up is needed
Page 12 – WBS – The autonomous navigation and picture capturing/comms subsystems are missing; the auto nav subsystem represents a pretty significant amount of work!
Page 15 – Cool template, what software are you using for this? I presume you are tracking pretty closely

