Feedback 2018-01-24 Advices and Comments from Audiences

Advices and Comments from Audiences:
– prefer a holistic test instead of individual test for components;
– shall define our scope ASAP, and decide how deep we are going to dig into the stuck scenarios;
– due to the challenging essence of the entrapment and rescue problem, we do not have to make it work in a sophisticated scenario, and instead, we shall present a complete process of rescue;
About the stuck rover:
– we shall explore rovers coordination during rescue procedure, and on what level we shall do it;
About rescuer rover getting stuck:
– we know the map a head of time, which shall ensure that the rescuer rover do not get stuck too;
– we are going to focus on the rescue process, (so we are not going to do the mapping etc. which is a prerequisite of preventing the rescuer rover from getting stuck if we do not know the map a head of time);
– Look up remote center compliance (RCC) devices (
About stuck scenarios:
– is high-centering the most relevant case to planetary environment?
– we shall lockdown to one scenario, which does make sense and is the most relevant;
– need to nail down the scenario and stuck modes, and come up with the detailed test plan ASAP;
About obstacles:
– specifications (size? … etc.)
– we know a head of time, because we are not going to focus on online mapping;