Meeting 2018-02-19 Team Meeting with John

PR 9 Goals

  • autonomous docking w/ varying planar orientations
    • entrapment detection
      • installation of the Vive
      • update the entrapment detector —> holding entrapped state if stopped afterwards until it moves again
    • path planning w/ planar orientation
    • precise motion control considering location and planar orientation
  • consistent towing in high-centered case
    • autonomous docking
    • (collaborative) towing planning
    • execution of the (collaborative) towing plan

PR 10 Goals

  • Transfer of pose info from front looking to rare-looking sensors
    • docking mechanism relative pose estimation
  • Demonstrate operation of claw arm (along with docking)
    • claw manipulator assembling
    • precise control of the claw manipulator
    • planning for claw manipulator
  • repeat/refine consistent towing in high-centered case