Issues log


Sl No Date Found Date Resolved Owner Origin Description Resolution Artifacts Changed
1 03/01/2020 03/25/2020 Kartik RL Node Integration Needed to figure out a way to build a synchronous interface between an RL library and the existing framework Implemented threading witch locks to achieve this RL ROS node
2 03/17/2020 03/17/2020 Kartik Carla Simulator Issues building latest Carla Version


Function definition mismatches in Unreal source code as the wrong version of Unreal was mentioned in the installation steps.

Temporarily changed the function definitions in the Unreal engine’s header files and re-compiled Unreal Engine version changed
3 03/17/2020 03/19/2020 Scott Carla Scenario Runner Failed to get stable speed performance of the generated vehicles


The scenario runner built-in pytree’s chained behavior tree has this behavior: following leading vehicle changing the agent speed without considering collision .

Added the collision check as a post-processing unit to change agent speed in order to avoid collisions. Simulator subsystem structure changed
4 03/19/2020 04/02/2020 Alvin System One iteration of the system takes too long to compute Combined path planner and behavior planner nodes together to avoid ROS communication between the nodes RL ROS Node & Path Planner Node
5 03/25/2020 03/26/2020 Mayank CARLA Can’t spawn vehicles with non-zero initial speed in CARLA reliably Designed the scenarios to begin with all vehicles on autopilot, and control of ego vehicle is given to our system after a fixed scenario running duration.

Simulation Subsystem

6 09/10/2020 09/16/2020 Mayank CARLA Frenet coordinates have incorrect values in certain intersections, and slow. Redesigned the frenet coordinate calculation to be able to handle intersections which may not be in perfect right angles.

Simulation Subsystem

7 10/15/2020 10/20/2020 Kartik State Manager Class in RL Node Agent not learning to handle even simple scenarios. Fixed the bug in creation of the state representation being fed to the neural net from the environment description message.


8 11/02/2020 11/10/2020 Alvin Point-to-Point Node Agent crashing into vehicles for simple scenarios as well Fixed the hand over conditions used to transition between different RL agents to give each agent the same conditions as it was trained in. 

Point-to-Point ROS Node