System performance

This semester, our team aimed to achieve all system-level requirements, allowing for some flexibility. Our goal was to achieve all of the desired requirements with a lenient view on some of the parameters. For example our desired FPS was 30hz but we were able to achieve around 20-22 FPS. A detailed list of our targeted requirements is given in table 5.

Targeted Performance Requirements
PR IDRequirementSubsystemStatus
PR1Update Frequency of 10 hzPerceptionPassed 
PR2Successful parking is detected: 80% PerceptionPassed
PR3Stationary tolerance: Y: 士5 cm; X: 士10 cm; Rotational 士20; DegreesControlsPassed
PR4Vehicle speed should be around 10 cm/sControlsPassed
PR5Safety Tolerance: 10 cmControlsPassed

Overall System Description

The comprehensive system encompasses our sensor suite, consisting of off-board infrastructure cameras and on-board proximity sensors, alongside the G29 controller. Our software stack comprises several subsystems operating collaboratively. The data processing and Bird’s Eye View (BEV) generation pipeline is tasked with delivering a precise and responsive BEV. Simultaneously, the controls pipeline captures user inputs and channels them through a safety mechanism before implementation. The UI/UX module serves as the integration hub, providing users with an accurate visualization enriched with advanced visual overlays for teleoperation. Figure 1 depicts the overall flow of the system.

Figure 1: System OverviewSVD