
We will be having timely reviews according to the MRSD program schedule. Below is the list of presenters for each of those reviews.

Sr. NoPresentationPresenterDate
2Progress review 1Justin MorrisFeb 19
3Progress review 2Alex WithersMarch 4
4Progress review 3Awadhut ThubeMarch 25
5Progress review 4Justin MorrisApril 8
SVD / Progress review 5All MembersApril 22
6SVD Encore / Progress review 6All MembersApril 29
7Progress review 7Alex WithersSeptember 16
8Progress review 8Awadhut ThubeSeptember 30
9Progress review 9Justin MorrisOctober 14
10Progress review 10Alex WithersOctober 28
11Progress review 11Awadhut ThubeNovember 11

Gantt Chart

The only milestone for Spring 2020 that was not met was the incorporation of brinkmanship into the simulator. The chief obstacle to implementing this feature is the question of how to translate the simulator environment into a point cloud that mimics what could be generated from the stereo cameras on the rover. While it is possible that some work can be done to achieve this milestone over the summer, given that one team member will be working on simulating the Pit Ranger mission as part of his summer internship, the schedule for Fall 2020 makes the assumption that room will need to be made for that work during the first months of the semester.

Much of the other work scheduled for the first half of the fall semester will also take place in simulation, both because this is a logical progression for the project and because of the restrictions imposed by the possibility of continued campus lockdown. The first priorities for Fall 2020 will involve designing more complex robot behaviors in response to brinkmanship edge detection and incorporating a risk assessment component into the planning algorithm. Work will also be done to increase the sophistication of the pit edge detection heuristic, relying largely on data collected during previous tests in the spring. Shown below is a high level schedule for Fall 2020.

Fig: Schedule for Fall 2020