Arjun Chauhan
I completed my undergraduate degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) from MIT, Manipal in 2020. My interests lie primarily in the domains of computer vision, machine learning, SLAM, and general autonomy. The past year I worked for a startup, IoTric, and developed a few scalable perception pipelines for them. As a part of the firefly team, I look forward to repurposing robotics for social good and I’m confident we will given my super-competent team!
Find me here! or check out my projects here!
Primary Responsibilities: Perception and Tracking
Secondary Responsibilities: Project Management
Kevin Gmelin
My first experience in robotics was through the FIRST Robotics Competition, which I competed in during my four years in high school. I would then go on to study mechanical engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology, where I would be an undergraduate researcher in the Advanced Robot Manipulators I also build my own robots as a hobby.
Primary Responsibilities: Project Management
Secondary Responsibilities: Software Integration
Sabrina Shen
I graduated last year from Harvey Mudd College with a degree in general engineering. My education and extracurricular projects have given me opportunities creating end to end robotics products for various machine vision, object tracking, and motion planning robots. I am excited to contribute to Project Firefly this year!
Primary Responsibilities: Machining
Secondary Responsibilities: Mapping Algorithm
Manuj Trehan
During my undergraduate degree, I majored in Production & Industrial Engineering with a minor in Robotics from IIT Delhi, India. Being a member of the Robotics club, I participated in various projects and competitions, which led me to CMU – MRSD.
Along with my fellow FireFlies, I hope to achieve the goals we have set out for ourselves, and make our vision come to life. My primary interests include Motion Planning, Localization, and Perception.
Primary Responsibilities: Comms and Perception
Secondary Responsibilities: Mechanical Design
Akshay Venkatesh
I completed my undergraduate education in Mechanical Engineering from BITS Pilani, India in 2017 and went on to work with the Mechatronics Team at Tonbo Imaging, Bangalore, where I had a lot of fun wearing multiple hats to do whatever it took to make products come to life!
I’m now on a quest for new problems to solve at the RI at CMU and am excited to work with an amazing team on Project FireFly.
Primary Responsibilities: Mechanical Design
Secondary Responsibilities: Software Development