We are team TouRI! We aim to provide an interactive telepresence solution for newly admitted students to explore CMU’s renowned robotics institute from anywhere around the world.
What problem are we trying to solve?
We are trying to solve the problem of telepresence by facilitating complete human presence. Most solutions do not allow you to interact with your environment, but not us. With TouRI, You can not only observe and move in the environment but also interact – by doing tasks like grasping objects.
Imagine this
You have received your long-awaited admission from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. But as an international student, you have to wait months to visit the robotics institute. But with TOURI, wait no more. You can take the RI tour right from home! Simply open the TouRI app and start a tour of the building. Using the app, you can easily select any location on the map and the robot would navigate to the required location. You are excited to visit the ‘AI Makerspace’ in RI. You select the AI Makerspace location on the map. TouRI starts from its home location and autonomously navigates to the AI Makerspace in RI. While TouRI moves autonomously, you use the joystick to move the tablet to view the surroundings. You are on a video call interface on the tablet that enables you to speak to a few students and interact with other professors on the way. Once TOURI reaches the FRC location, you get the opportunity to drive the TouRI virtually using a joystick, spending more time viewing the areas you find interesting. In the end, you can pick any souvenirs you like from the souvenir shop. You visit all the places you wanted to visit like you are actually in the RI building, thanks to TouRI!
User logs on to the robot and is able to teleoperate and interact with humans present on the premises.

User selects the location he wants to tour using the app and the robot navigates to the desired location