Prakhar Pradeep

“I can say ‘I do not speak this language’ in 6 different languages”

Project responsibilities: Interface lead

Undergrad: Mechatronics Engineering

Work experience: (2 years) Software development and entrepreneurship

Expertise: Software management, full-stack development, embedded systems

   Shivani Sivakumar

“I love what people consider to be the most boring task on this planet that is…parameter tuning!

Project responsibilities: Manipulation lead

Undergrad: Electrical and electronics engineering

Work experience: (1 year) Automation and optimization

Expertise: Electronics, dynamics/controls, deep learning

Jashkumar Diyora

“I am a full-time technopreneur, part-time professional Oreo eater”

Project responsibilities: Hardware and sensors lead

Undergrad: Mechatronics engineering

Work experience: (3 Years) Mechatronics and entrepreneurship

Expertise: Embedded system, sensors, ROS, OpenCV

Shruti Gangopadhay

“Powered by coffee”

Project responsibilities: Autonomous navigation system lead

Undergrad: Mechanical engineering

Work experience: (4 year) Mechanical and software development

Expertise: Motion planning, ROS, and robot perception

Jigar Patel

“Doing my bit to bring the age of robots closer.”

Project responsibilities: Perception lead

Undergrad: Mechanical Engineering

Work experience: (4 years) Software development, Robotics, Computer Vision

Expertise: Perception, Deep Learning and ROS