System Performance

Key Performance Requirements for Spring 24:

SubsystemSystem CriteriaOur Performance
Drone ControlMSE between drone’s positions and the waypoints <= 15 cm211.02 cm2
Drone Data StreamingVideo streamed from the drone must average 30 frames per second(FPS)30 FPS
PerceptionDepth Estimation error on ground truth <= 10cm0.5545 cm
PerceptionThe 3D pose estimation model should be able to detect all the joints of humans in any position provided without occlusion. RMSE per joint on any dataset should be < 5cm4.87 cm
AvatarRMSE should be less than 10 cm between the input 3D poses used to control the avatar and the detected 3D poses of the reconstructed avatar, where the camera is fixed.4.578 cm
Spring 24 Performance Requirements Evaluation Table

Subsystem Performance Details

Drone Control

Position of the drone

MSE error on each axis and total

Depth Estimation

Relative Depth Map

Comparison with Grountruth

Avatar Generation Quality

Joint RMSE
Joint 03.130
Joint 15.183
Joint 24.251
Joint 37.385
Joint 44.197
Joint 52.300
Joint 61.903 
Joint 72.895
Joint 83.586
Joint 96.117
Joint 104.387
Joint 114.444
Joint 12 10.059
Joint 137.472
Joint 143.399
Joint 154.312
Joint 162.817
Average Results4.578