Issue Log

April 2024

Date RaisedRaised ByDescriptionStatus
3 April 2024WillI’m not that great at full-stack web development.Ongoing (learning as we go)
1 April 2024CherryNEMA integrated motors do not have sufficient documentationOngoing

March 2024

Date raisedRaised byDescriptionStatus
28 March 2024TimThere still isn’t enough support for the auger, and while a strong support is important time is running short For now we are going with a simplified support (3D printed) Will upgrade to metal + bearings for FVDDone
22 March 2024Kasina, Austin, MadhushaIt is time to fabricate the plates but any unplanned mistakes with fabrication on metal will be very costly Going to prototype with wood for SVDDone
19 March 2024WillNav2’s action server parameters require extensive tuning. Will has tamed the beast that is Nav2Done
11 Feb 2024 15 March 2024Madhusha Followup by WillThe tunable physics parameters for the Warthog don’t have a 1:1 mapping to the real world, so additional tuning is required to make the Warthog in simulation accurate to the real world. The Warthog has reasonable physics, but the tire friction curves are still off. Redid the Warthog model, parameters, and controlsDone

February 2024

Date raisedRaised byDescriptionStatus
20 Feb 2024CherryCurrent version of depth mapping does not have an adjustable resolution Ongoing
2 Feb 2024Kasina, Madhusha, AustinThe planting subsystem design we had probably cannot supply enough force to dig a hole for the seedling based on our field testing. A redesign has been made.Resolved