Issues Log

Issue number Date Detected Date Fixed Task owner Origin Description Resolution Artifacts Changed
1 1/16/18 2/25/18 ncrispie Quad airframe Quad weight too heavy to fly remove length from LIDAR cable Lidar cable modified
2 1/30/18 2/3/18 hsuresh Carrier board firmware driver issue with Orbitty carrier contact Carrier for correct drivers firmware on Orbitty carrier
3 2/9 2/23 sbaveja DJI software DJI IMU error after landing power cycle, take off on flatter ground. Has not persisted Flight procedure updated to include mitigation
4 2/18 2/23 sbaveja/ncrispie DJI Battery DJI battery temperature error Maintain battery heater during testing Update flight procedure plans
5 3/11 3/11 ncrispie/sbaveja TTL wires plug in incorrrectly Could not connect to Jetson Fix TTL connection n/a
6 3/11 3/12 ncrispie Short at base of the wire FPV camera not working, power cutting out strip further down and cover short with tape
7 3/11 3/11 sbaveja, ncrispie Cold temperatures Battery temperature warning heat battery while not testing
8 3/21 3/30 ncrispie not correct version of Gazebo math installed Gazebo plugin code for velodyne would not builld install correct packages
9 3/25 3/30 ncrispie older version of DJI SDK referenced Gazebo DJI plugin did not build switch to correct data types referenced in the code
10 4/3 4/3 sbaveja Reference frame different Obstacle avoidance code did not work despite giving corrent values at specific locations TF transformation to correct coordinate frame reiterated standard TF as ENU
11 4/6 4/6 ntadiche, sbaveja Bandwidth issues FPV view freezes when multiple devices subscribed to network unplug 2nd device
12 4/6 4/6 ntadiche, ncrispie Sun glare causes problems with AR view Sun makes it hard to see FPV camera view tape over AR glasses
13 4/16 4/18 ncrispie, sbavaja significant lag in the LIDAR simulation Gazebo would lag and crash if there were too many points in the LIDAR simulation reduce the number of points in the sensor model
14 4/23 4/23 sbaveja, ncrispie Cut area giving magnetometer reading issues Magentometer not giving good readings, needed to be recalibrated constantly Don’t fly in the cut
15 4/26 4/26 sbaveja, ntadiche Latency in video feed significant delays in video feed better pointing of the directional antenna