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Spring Validation Experiments

The team’s spring validation experiments will be composed of 3 parts; first we will test the functionality of the software. Second we will test the 4DOF printer. And finally we will verify that the integration of the system gives the results it was designed for, i.e., printed parts with well incorporated COTS Items that satisfy our performance requirements.


To verify the following:

  1. The ability of the software to generate four axis G-Code commands with obstacle avoidance and insertion layer selection capability
  2. The ability of the printer to correctly print by executing those commands.
  3. To validate that the parts printed with ADD_IN have superior qualities than standard parts.



NSH B506 – Team F Test Bench


  1. Laptop computer equipped with the following:
    1. Slicer software
    2. 3D visualization software
    3. Printer interface software
    4. .stl files of
      • P1: Part with stiffener rod
      • P2: Part with threaded insert
      • P3: Part with sensor/electronics
    5. Reference 3D printed parts:
      1. R1: Similar to P1 but without stiffener rod
      2. R2: Similar to P2 with glued screw insert
    6. ADD_IN printer configured with the following:
      1. Custom nozzle
      2. PLA filament roll
    7. COTS items
    8. Test bench
    9. Test setup for each printed part
      1. Bending stiffness tester
      2. Pull out strength tester
      3. Electronics operation tester

Test Procedure:

For parts P1-P3, perform the following:

  1. Use our Slicer software to load the .stl file
  2. Select insertion layer and print configuration
  3. Generate the .gcode file
  4. Visualize resulting G-Code and ensure accuracy
  5. Send .gcode file to printer
  6. Start print
  7. Insert COTS item when printer pauses at the insertion layer
  8. Resume and finish printing
  9. Conduct the following tests
    1. Bending stiffness test for P1 and R1
    2. Pullout strength test for P2 and R2
    3. Electronics/sensor functionality check for P3

Success criteria

  1. Generated G-code visualization should show the rotation axis being positioned to avoid collisions with the COTS item
  2. Printer should successfully finish the print
  3. Stiffness of P1 > Stiffness of R1
  4. Pullout strength of P2 > Pullout strength of R2
  5. Electronics/sensor in P3 should be functional