We have updated the Fall schedule based on our performance at SVD and our development priorities. During the summer break, we plan to work on preparatory items; e.g. collecting images for YOLO, setting up the ground truth subsystem, studying pedestrian dynamics in simulation, etc. For the Virtual Robotic System, we will focus on handling multiple obstacles by the predictive avoidance, developing the conservative avoidance method, and obstacle filtering. Finally, we will measure productivity gains by running continuous simulations. For the Real Life System, we will mainly focus on developing the obstacle detection/classification/localization subsystem. As shown in the schedule below, we will do extensive testing and analysis from mid-semester, fine-tuning the overall system. Our test plan at each progress review and FVD can be found here.
Fall High-level Schedule(Updated):
The schedule conveys our development priorities for each semester. We plan on finishing all trade studies by the first day of the Spring semester. Our first order of business will be developing the simulation framework since most of the VRS work packages depend on it. Next we will focus on creating the factory environment and along with obstacles, path planning, object tracking, and predictive avoidance. We leave a few weeks of margin at the end of the semester to test our completed work packages and prepare for the Spring Validation Demo. While the major functionalities of the real life system will not be validated in the Spring, we plan on completing the hardware, mockups.
In the Fall, we will finish the prediction and avoidance package for the virtual robot system by completing the conservative avoidance systems. Also, we plan to add pedestrian models in the simulation and implement object tracking subsystem, which includes occlusions, detection range, and noise. For the real-life system, we will spend the majority of the semester training and tuning the object detection, classification, and localization system. There is ample space left in the schedule to integrate and test everything in our system.
Spring High-level Schedule:
Fall High-level Schedule: