Calen has a background in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He also has project experience in embedded systems and controls. He is the project manager for Team D, responsible for keeping the team members up to schedule and making sure proper progresses are made. On the technical side, he is also responsible for the robotic system’s predictive avoidance functionality, based on the trajectory dictionary.
Thomas Xu
Thomas has a background in Mechanical Engineering, with experience in soft robotics and process automation. He is responsible for the path planning functionality of the robotic system, as well as incorporating the various avoidance strategies used by the prediction & avoidance subsystem in the virtual robotic system. He also assists in contructing the hardware for the real-life robotic system.
Jinkun Liu
Jinkun has a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and his skills vary from Computer-aided Design and Finite Element Analysis to Computer Vision. He also worked at university research labs as a research assistant. In the project, he is primarily responsible for the real-life robotic system, including hardware construction, obstacle classfication/localization using camera & LiDAR, as well as the validation of the system using mockups and a ground truth gathering subsystem.
Yukun Xia
Yukun has a background in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science. He has project experience in system identification, motion planning and model predictive control. He is primarily responsible for setting up the simulation system and simulated environment for the virtual robotic system, and making sure the simulation as a whole functions properly for validation. He is also the tech lead for the object detection subsystem, focusing on machine learning and sensor fusion.
Gitaek Lee
Gitaek has a background in Military Science and Civil Engineering. He is interested in the application of robotic systems into the defense industry. In the project, he is responsible for object tracking, vehicle control and obstacle kinematics in the simulation for virtual robotic system. He also works on the setup and visualization of the simulation.