Issues Log

Issue numberDate foundDate fixedOwnerSubsystemOriginDescriptionResolutionArtifact changed
11/12/10PallaviPerceptionFlower DetectionSparse Datasets1. Found dataset
2. Collecting own dataset
21/51/20Pallavi, AdityaPerceptionCameraThe camera on the bot will not satisfactorily detect points of interactionAdditional camera1. Integration
2. POI detection
Customized tool Harvester toolCutter and gripper axes were opposite each other limiting the effective tool areaChange designDesign
42/7StevenNavigation Incorrect LocalizationThe robot is unable to localize and reach goal point using default factory packages.Trial using third party packages/self developed softwareNavigation Software
52/92/24Pallavi, StevenCustomized toolCutting toolDoes not perform uniformlyReplace motor with Dynamixel motorMotor
62/102/15AdityaPerceptionDatasetWrong labels in flower dataset Removed those images from the datasetDataset
ManipulationFUNMAPFUNMAP publishing coordinates too slow
82/15BruceManipulationFUNMAPUnable to locate 3D coordinates
92/15Vaidehi Manipulation MoveItMoveIt not storing goal poses
102/152/20PallaviPerceptionJetsonJetson crashedUpdated packages and reinstalledJetson
112/122/13PallaviIntegrationAruco markers, cameraAruco markers not detectedOriginal aruco markers to be usedAruco marker
122/132/28PallaviIntegrationAruco markers, cameraPose estimation is offCalibrate the camerasCamera calibration
132/153/1Pallavi, VaidehiCustomized toolGripperMotor goes into overload shutdownPWM enabled based on force feedbackTool
142/152/20VaidehiCustomized tool ToolRobot end effector does not reach the height of plantChange design by adding L structureTool operation
152/203/12VaidehiCustomized tool Gripper integrationGripper motor not homing when integrated with Hello robotCheck homing script and try alternative calibration approachesTool
162/253/25Pallavi, AdityaPerceptionJetsonJetson not connecting to wifiBuy new wifi dongleJetson
173/53/26Pallavi, VaidehiCustomized toolToolWacc board (and as a result, wrist) is not workingGet replacement, use the substitute bot for trials on wacc board as it is sensitiveRobot
183/233/24Pallavi, StevenPerceptionWrist cameraDisconnected TF tree for wrist cameraAdd urdf of the camera to the bot’s wristRobot
193/204/1Pallavi, AdityaPerceptionBounding boxCoordinates of the box(x and y) are not accurate1. Navigation
2. Manipulation
202/283/28StevenNavigationLiDAR Pot DetectionSparse point cloud due to reflectivity of black plant potsSpray painted the pots to a much more reflective colorEnvironment
213/89/7StevenNavigationPoor Go-toGoal PerformanceController requires loose thresholds to performChange to ROS built in navigation local plannerNavigation Software
223/279/7StevenNavigationExisiting MoveBase from Hello-Robot not Configured for Stretch RE1Planner robot system parameters do not reflect actual performanceManually update parameters after in-lab performance testing of robotNavigation Software
233/3010/7AdityaPerceptionPython version incompatibility
Can’t run python3 script with ROS MelodicInstall core ros packages for python3 and build opencv_bridge from sourceJetson software
244/2011/7Vaidehi, PallaviManipulation and Customized toolMotor commands droppingFrequency difference between stretch driver and pimuSleep commands, search for more solutionsStretch driver
254/2011/7VaidehiCustomized toolHarvester does not cutEnough motor torque is not providedProblem started arising after integration, find root cause of problemStretch driver
264/20Vaidehi, PallaviManipulation, Customized tool Synchronous movements of robotThe robot lift, wrist extension and tool work togetherSleep commands, search for more solutionsStretch driver
2711/7PallaviManipulationLift, base and arm errorSlight errors in lift, base and arm. Position servoingStretch driver
2810/20StevenNavigationOdometry is driftingThis affects all subsystemsOdometry correctionNavigation
2911/5VaidehiToolTool detected as clusterTool is red in some areas, and results in being detected as a cluster (rejected later but this must be eliminated entirely)It has to be spray paintedTool
3010/911/1Vaidehi, PallaviToolPing is failingStretch driver has access to the tool, so while tool script is running with stretch driver there are access issuesTool integrated as part of stretch driverTool as a part of stretch driver
3111/211/5Vaidehi, PallaviToolMaintaining torqueThe tool sometimes does not maintain its torquePWM mode switching to position modeTool as a part of the stretch driver
3211/211/7AdityaPerceptionCluster locationCluster location is not accurate/outdatedCamera head turns to get more accurate readingStem localization
3311/7AdityaPerceptionStem localizationIt is not accurateNeed to debugStem localization