Single Board Computer




The single board computer runs the entire communication and planning subsystem.  As per the current routine, the system gets triggered by a user command sent via the Android app.  This command gets relayed to the decision unit through the Mobile App node.  If a “Park” command is received, the platform sends a request to nearby platforms, asking for a destination.  This takes place through the Collaboration Node.  Once this data is received, it gets processed and final destination for the platform is calculated.  This is then transmitted to the Locomotion Node as a waypoint.  The Locomotion Node is connected to the Oculus Prime server and is able to control the platform.  The Locomotion Node also keeps a track of whether or not the platform has reached its destination.  When it has reached its destination, it publishing this data back to the decision unit so that it can be sent back to the app through the Mobile App node.