System-Level Requirements

The system-level requirements are categorized as Mandatory (M) or Desirable (D), as well as Functional (F) and Non-functional (N).  The requirement titles are meant to be read as “The system shall…”, followed by the title.  The description offers more detail about how the requirement applies to the system, and the performance metric(s) detail how the requirements can be measured.

Mandatory Functional System Level Requirements

IDRequirementPerformance Metric(s)
MF.1Receive "Park" and "Return" commands from user via smartphone app95% of messages will be received.
MF.2Share location, parking spot, obstacle-related data with other vehicles.Establish communication with other vehicles within the 10mx10m test area.
90% of messages will be received.
MF.3Navigate autonomously through parking lot.100% of navigation will be autonomous.
MF.4Follow optimal route to exit.The vehicle follows the shortest manhattan distance path to the spot.
MF.5Park inside parking spot.Park 100% within a parking spot within 2 attempts. Be within 35º of parallel with the neighboring vehicles or the lines of the spot, as applicable.
MF.6Exit parking spotExit the spot within 2 attempts without collision.
MF.7Sense obstacles in the environment .Avoid obstacles between 10-50 cm high and 10-120 cm wide.
MF.8Avoid infrastructureThe vehicle will maintain a distance of 30.48 cm (1 ft.) between a vehicle and infrastructure.
MF.9Stop in the event of an emergencyStop within 3 seconds of an emergency (obstacle or internal vehicle error).
MF.10Software simulation to showcase effective planning and scheduling of cars inside a parking garagePerforms significantly better in terms of average park time, pause time and exit time for over 100 vehicles

Desirable Functional System Level Requirements

IDRequirementPerformance Metric(s)
DF.1Identify optimal parking spotOptimal spot is identified 98% of time. If incorrect spot is chosen, it is ranked within 5% of optimal spot.
DF.2Plan optimal route to spotOptimal path is chosen 90% of time.
DF.3Follow optimal route to spotThe vehicle will maintain a velocity between 0 and 10 cm/sec.
DF.4Avoid other vehiclesThe vehicle will maintain at least 60.96 cm (2 ft.) between the front of one moving vehicle and the back of another moving vehicle.

Mandatory Non-Functional System Level Requirements

IDRequirementPerformance Metric(s)
MN.1Use smartphone app to display vehicle status.95% of messages are received.
MN.2Communicate reliably between local vehicles.The network will be able to handle collaboration between 3 vehicles.
MN.3Efficiently exits the parking spotThe vehicle will take no more than 45 seconds to exit the parking spot.
MN.4Return to user as quickly as possibleThe vehicle will arrive at the exit within 90 seconds of receiving the “Return” command.
MN.5Make minimal changes to infrastructureThere will be 0 changes to the infrastructure.
MN.6Be within budgetThe budget is $4000.

Desirable Non-Functional System Level Requirements

IDRequirementPerformance Metric(s)
DN.1Maintain scalable network of vehiclesThe network will be able to accommodate at least three vehicles.
DN.2Efficiently maneuver throughout the lotThe vehicle will choose the fastest route (in time) 98% of the time.
DN.3Efficiently enter the parking spotThe vehicle will back into the parking spot within two attempts. It will take no more than 45 seconds to back into spot.