Gantt Chart

Gantt chart for fall semester showing schedules for work packages
Sensors and Motors Control Lab: Dan Bronstein
Progress Review 1: Ben Kolligs
Progress Review 2: Kelvin Kang
Progress Review 3: Jacqueline Liao
Progress Review 4: Dan Bronstein
Progress Review 7: Dan Bronstein
Progress Review 8: Kelvin Kang
Progress Review 9: Ben Kolligs
Progress Review 10: Jacqueline Liao
Progress Review 11: Dan Bronstein
Test Plans
Spring Validation

Graphical depiction of spring validation setup. Each number corresponds to the same step in “Procedure” listed below.
Showcase our complete hardware along with the basic functionalities of our control, situation awareness, and human detection subsystems in a well-lit and smokeless room.
NSH Basement, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA
A well-lit room no smaller than 10m2 with no smoke in the room.
Dragoon, visualizer, WiFi network, indoor room, room geometry/obstacle proxies(cardboard boxes, furniture, trash bins etc.), human body, external light source
- Power and Startup
- Procedure: Operator turns on robot and visualizer, then sets robot at the entrance to the room
- Validation:
- The robot connects to the remote control
- Jetson AGX turns on and connects to RealSense and Seek
- RealSense depth and RGB, Seek Thermal streams operational and stream to AGX
- VLP-16 starts scanning, Cartographer begins mapping using VLP-16 and RealSense IMU
- Visualizer turns on and begins to display 2D map and RGB stream at 10Hz (M.P.4)
- Locomotion
- Procedure: Operator moves robot forwards, backwards, using remote control at a max speed of 0.5 m/s and can turn about its location
- Validation:
- Robot moves forwards, backwards, at a min of 0.5 m/s and turns in place at a speed of 18 degrees per second (M.P.5)
- Procedure: Operator moves robot at a max speed of 0.2 m/s through the obstacles in the room for at least 5 minutes using the 2D map and RGB stream displayed on the visualizer
- Validation:
- 2D map of room for up to 10m from the robot is displayed and updated on visualizer; the shape of major obstacles are captured in the map (M.P.3)
- The position of the robot is displayed on a 2D map on the visualizer
- Basic Human Detection
- Procedure: Robot detects and localizes human
- Validation:
- The robot detects and localizes human 8m away within 5 seconds of complete, unobstructed entrance into the RGB and Seek FOV with 75% accuracy (M.P.0, M.P.1)
- The location of the human is displayed on a 2D map on the visualizer. Check that the centroidal accuracy of the bounding box is within 1 foot relative to the mapped room geometry
Fall Validation
Demonstrate that Dragoon can autonomously navigate and operate in a dimly lit room and is able to determine the presence and location of a partially occluded human, which is displayed real-time on a 2D map.
NSH Basement, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA
A dimly-lit room no smaller than 10m2.
Dragoon, visualizer, WiFi network, indoor room, room geometry/obstacle proxies(cardboard boxes, furniture, trash bins etc.), human body, luxmeter
- Human Detection and Localization Test
- Procedure:
- A human subject is placed in a supine position 3-7m directly in front of the robot, in profile view
- An occluding obstacle is placed blocking 0-25% of the subject
- The location of the detected human on the visualized map is noted
- Steps i-iii are repeated with varying quality of occlusion, subject pose, distance from the robot and level of ambient lighting
- Validation:
- Robot detects and localizes human who is at maximum 25% occluded 3m away in minimum 150 lux low-visibility lighting (M.P.1, M.P.2, M.N.0)
- The robot detects and localizes non-occluded humans 7m away (M.P.1, M.P.2, M.N.0)
- Human detected in real-time
- Accurate location (within 0.5m radius) of human(s) displayed on 2D map on visualizer in real-time (M.P.3, M.F.3)
- Procedure:
- Autonomous Navigation Test
- Procedure:
- Place robot in a simulated disaster scenario and let it generate paths
- Command the robot to follow a generated path
- Validation:
- Robot plans paths that avoid obstacles and generates goals in unexplored territory
- Robot follows the generated path
- Procedure:
- Autonomous Search and Rescue Test:
- Procedure:
- Place robot in a simulated 30m2 disaster scenario, with 2 human ‘victims’, and give the robot a signal to begin autonomous exploration
- Validation:
- Robot gives signal that exploration is done within 5 minutes (M.P.8, M.F.7)
- RGB stream and 2D map of room for up to 10m from the robot is displayed and updated on visualizer; the shape of major obstacles are captured in the map (M.P.2, M.P.3, M.N.0)
- 2D map is displayed and visualized in real-time (M.P.3)
- Validation of the Human Detection and Localization Test for both victims
- Procedure:
Fall Progress Review Milestones
- PR 1 (9/15)
- IR human detection Integrated into pipeline
- Local planner/obstacle avoidance implemented
- PR 2 (9/29)
- DevOps for retraining RGB and IR networks complete
- Architecture for global planner complete
- PR 3 (10/13)
- Global planner implementation complete
- Initial retraining of RGB and IR networks complete
- PR 4 (10/27)
- Global and local planners integrated with each other
- Retraining of weights for supine positions and dark conditions complete
- PR 5 (11/10)
- Entire planning stack integrated with full system, including human machine interface
- Retraining of weights finalized and integrated with full system
Full Fall Semester Test Plan (external link)
Parts List
HOWDE Parts List (external link)
Issues Log
HOWDE Issues Log (external link)