Actuated Manipulation


See the subsystem description page for overview:

Fall 2021

  • Integrated with whole system and tested overall performance.
  • Integrated Resolved Rate motion compensation and stabilization controller for 3D goal position stabilization.
  • Integrated Octomap dynamic obstacle avoidance with MoveIt motion planning pipeline.
  • Installed fourth motor on robot to expand task space capability.
  • Created and tested 4 degree-of-freedom and 5 degree-of-freedom robot arm models through simulation to acquire task space traversal accuracy and stabilization space accuracy. Created trade study to compare and select best robot arm option. Selected a 4 degree-of-freedom robot arm design based on improved performance with a reasonable increase in weight and power.

Spring 2021

  • Demonstrated functional integration with vision and voice subsystems during SVD encore. End effector was capable of holding aluminum panel out in front of user.
  • Demonstrated robot arm moving to goal positions set by the vision subsystem’s goal setter node. Further integration and validation testing to be performed.
  • Trivial impedance controller built for the robot arm to demonstrate control-based force control onto surfaces. Impedance control demonstrated for robot arm pushing forward along x-axis. Gravity compensation to be implemented on controller.
  • Demonstrated robot arm moving to goal positions in free space relative to the D435 camera frame (i.e. D400_link). Calibrated robot arm to be accurate to as-built URDF model. Validated robot arm motion planning accuracy to be within set requirements.
  • Pipeline between robot URDF and HEBI motors built. Demo script built to translate motion on the robot URDF model in RViz to HEBI motor outputs on the physical robot.
  • HEBI C++ API installed onto ROS Melodic framework. Motor connection script ran to communicate to HEBI motors on the TCP/IP network.
  • Draft URDF model of robot implemented into ROS Melodic framework. Can be seen through RViz visualization application.

Fall 2020

  • Conceptual design made and presented. Subsystem drafted to incorporate RRT-Connect motion planning algorithm. Stabilization conceptualized to be achieved via IMU feedback from motors to compensation motion on end effector.
  • Schedule and technical roadmap draft built for subsystem. These include functional and cyberphysical architectures.
  • Preliminary requirements built for actuated manipulation subsystem.
  • As-Is CoBorg was examined. As-Is method of manipulation is through wireless controller with manual operation and preset commands.
Vision >