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PCB Testing

Figure 1(gif) shows the blinking LED.

Figure 1(gif) shows the blinking LED

Figure 1 – shows the blinking LED

In order to test this-

  • We soldered the components on the PCB.
  • Burnt the Arduino bootloader on Atmega328.
  • Wrote code to blink the LED.

OpenCPN Testing

The below video shows the radar data visualized using OpenCPN library.

RADAR data

The below video shows the radar data visualized using rqt along with the corresponding RGB camera image.

Segmentation Testing

The below video shows the segmentation of Bridges, Shores and Obstacles using Radar data.

Path Planning Test

We successfully tested the path planner integration with boat during our last field test on December 14, 2014. At present this is only the initial testing to verify our approach of integrating path planner output with the boat. Unfortunately, the boats engines stopped working during the field test so we were not able to record the results. We would be doing that during next run.