Functional Requirements
The system shall…
- Localize within environment
- Detect hotspots
- Estimate position of hotspots
- Maintain knowledge of hotspot positions as robot navigates
- Navigate to hotspots on hard, flat indoor floors
- Move manipulator
- Spray hotspots with disinfectant
- Log disinfection data
The system might…
- Avoid static obstacles
- Detect dynamic obstacles
- Plan efficient path to hotspots
- Prioritize/Deprioritize hotspots
- Map Environment
- Store locations of hotspots in a mapped room
- Stop if dynamic obstacle is detected
- Orient spray nozzle horizontally or vertically
- Monitor errors
- Alert user of errors
- Produce auditory tones prior to spraying
- Display cleaning logs
- Operate remotely via human commands
Performance Requirements
The system will…
- Localize within environment within 10 cm accuracy
- Detect at least 70% of the hotspots in its environment given that:
- It is operated in classrooms less than 100 m^2 for at least 10 minutes per classroom.
- There are at least 10 cumulative hotspots across the classrooms in which it is operated.
- Estimate position of hotspots within +/- 10 cm accuracy when within 1 meter of the hotspot
- Maintain knowledge of hotspot positions as robot navigates at a frequency of 10 Hz
- Navigate to within 0.25 m and 15 degrees of hotspots on hard, flat indoor floors reliably at 0.25 m/s
- Move spray nozzle with at least 1 degree of freedom
- Spray hotspots with 0.5 m^2 coverage
- Log cleaning data while operating
Nonfunctional Requirements
The system will…
- Raw materials cost less than $10,000
- Have sufficient battery life (1 hour runtime with full payload)
- Use minimally-harmful disinfection method