Salus sits at its charging station in the corner of a classroom with sparsely distributed desks and a hard, flat floor. After all the students and professor leave the classroom, a custodian enters the room and turns Salus on. Salus localizes itself using an indoor positioning system (IPS) within the room and begins scanning its surroundings for door handles and light switches to disinfect. Salus detects one light switch and one door handle and estimates the relative and global position of each of these hotspots. Salus chooses the light switch to disinfect first since it is closest to the robot.
Salus begins navigating through the room towards the light switch, avoiding obstacles along the way. As Salus moves, it continues scanning for hotspots and tracks the global positions of the hotspots it previously detected. Salus identifies a second light switch and adds it to the queue of hotspots to disinfect.
Once Salus arrives within spraying distance of the light switch, it adjusts the height of the manipulator to point the spray nozzle at the center of the light switch. Salus sprays the light switch while rotating back-and-forth twice, covering the entirety of the light switch’s surface with a disinfectant spray that kills COVID-19. Salus then logs this hotspot as disinfected. Salus then plans a path to the next closest hotspot, a door handle, and proceeds to navigate to it.
Once Salus arrives near the door, it adjusts the height of the manipulator to raise the spray nozzle to the same height as the door handle. The motor used to prime the fluid is enabled and Salus sprays while rotating back-and-forth twice. Once complete, Salus logs the hotspot as disinfected, and navigates to the next closest hotspot, the second light switch. Salus adjusts the height of its manipulator to point the sprayer toward the light switch. It then disinfects the light switch, and logs that hotspot as disinfected.
After all three hotspots in the room have been disinfected, Salus navigates back to the corner of the room. Salus reports a log of the disinfected hotspots. The custodian powers Salus off, refills the disinfection fluid, and plugs Salus in to charge for its next use.