


Design Review Presentations Progress Review Presenter Schedule: Individual Lab Reports



Perception & Sensing The Software and Sensing software was developed as the Arthur Perception Package and is stored on github....

Component Testing & Experiment Results

Component Testing & Experiment Results

Atracsys Sprytrack 300 Camera Testing Some initial testing was performed on the Atracsys Sprytrack 300 camera. The first test was...

Drawings, Schematics, and Datasheets

Drawings, Schematics, and Datasheets

Mechanical Drawings Motor Power Distribution PCB Design Wiring Diagrams Schematics Circuit Diagrams PCB Layout Datasheets User Manuals Links to user...

Design Brainstorming

Design Brainstorming

PCB Design End-Effector Design Perception Subsystem Planning Subsystem Controls Subsystem Miscellaneous MPC Brainstorming Deciding the Controller and Formulating the Optimal...