Component Testing & Experiment Results

Atracsys Sprytrack 300 Camera Testing

Some initial testing was performed on the Atracsys Sprytrack 300 camera. The first test was just to see if the camera could detect the fiducial markers, and if so, what the reprojection error was. The next few tests were to see if the marker geometries were detected and if we were able to visualize them on RViz. Videos for those tests can be found here.

Planning Testing

Some initial planning tests were performed to see if the OMPL and PILZ Industrial Motion Planner planned a valid trajectory. We used a simple joint trajectory controller to see if the trajectory outputted was valid. Videos for those tests can be found here.

Reamer Testing

Once the final prototype of the reamer end-effector was fabricated and assembled, we fired it up for the first time to see if it performed as expected. A video showing that is here.

Hand-Eye Calibration Testing

In order to determine the location of the base of the arm, we need to perform hand-eye calibration with the marker array on the end-effector. A video first testing this is shown here.

Motor Testing

When the motor was selected and received, some initial tests on speed and torque were performed to check if they matched the specifications.

Speed Test:

  • Tested the no load speed and found that the rpm is ~600
  • No load current was also verified to be 0.52 A
  • Test was performed utilizing a video camera and counting the rotations in a 5 second period of time

Torque Test:

  • Test performed using a custom motor attachment and a scale in lieu of not having access to a dynamometer
  • Approximate stall torque at 4V and 5A found to be around 3.5 kgf-cm, which when scaled provides a potential stall torque of 14 kgf-cm
  • With a proper power supply we are confident that the reamer motor will be able to provide the speed and torque we need to ream the acetabulum