Project Management Tools

For project management, we are using various tools to manage our project, files, code, and communication. Confluence and Google Drive are used to manage our files. Confluence contains our meeting notes, and research for trade studies, as well as notes on conversations with stakeholders. Google Drive contains our website logos, reports, presentations, spec sheets, schematics, and other files. Github is used as our code repository to not only store our code but help us implement version control as we develop our software. Slack is our team’s primary communication platform, with our channel separated into specific topics to keep our conversations organized. In addition, email drafts are also posted in Slack and reviewed by teammates before sending emails to stakeholders. For Spring 2022, Jira was used to manage our project schedule, both long-term and short-term schedules. For short-term schedules, we plan 2-week sprints and divide work evenly throughout the team. For long-term schedules, we planned a Roadmap that originally was on a Gantt Chart hosted in Google Drive. For Fall 2022, we swapped to a combination of Notion for long-term schedules and an in-person whiteboard for short-term task planning and schedules. We have standup meetings twice a week to keep the team up-to-date, encourage collaboration, and re-evaluate translating long-term goals into short-term goals.