| | | | | | | |
1 | 6th October | 10th October | IMU Callibration - specifically the magnetometer. There was constant drift in the yaw value whenever some roll was applied to the board | Aum | IMU | | Use an external magnetometer to callibrate |
2 | 8th October | 11th October | Hector Slam not working on TK1 | Kazu | ROS | Configuration files | Changing the path of OpenCV files in a few configuration files |
3 | 11th October | 13tht October | Hector_Mapping not publishing the map. The error message said it was failing to find a transform between base frame and laser | Kazu | ROS | Hector_mapping/launch/hector_odom.launch | Assigning the Odom_frame to Base_Footprint |
4 | 13th October | 17th October | The back axle of the RC car broke down | Max | Chassis | | Super glue to fix the axle |
5 | 18th October | 19th October | Order for the week was not processed which included mountings, battery connectors and axle. | Kazu | Logistics | | Ordered new RC platform |
6 | 21st October | Pending | Vehicle Electric Speed Control : Velocity Control not reliable | Aum | Odometry | | |
7 | 22nd October | 2nd November | Lidar accuracy for Localization : The refresh rate and range are a problem to get the accurate localization. | Kazu | Lidar | Hardware | Ordered a new Hokuyu Lidar |
8 | 24th October | 25th October | 3D printer ran out of filament delaying the printing of mounting plates | Kazu | Logistics | None | Be careful when printing |
9 | 26th October | 28th October | Inability to upload programs to the Teensy within a Virtual Machine Environment. The virtual machine does not recognize Teensy as a Serial USB device. | Max | Teensy | | Use Windows to upload a sketch of the drive |
10 | 28th October | Pending | Vehicle Electric Speed Controller : PWM control not working | Aum | Odometry | None | |
11 | 29th October | 1st November | Breaking of RC platform : The RC platform broke while testing, leading to a downtime in testing for a day. | Max | Chassis | Ordered new RC car platform | Ordered two new RC car platform |
12 | 3rd November | 5th November | Damaged Teensy Boards : one for unknown reasons ( manufacturing defect ) and other soldering mistake. | Max | Teensy | Ordered new ones | Ordered new ones |
13 | 5th November | Pending | IMU Odometry data not accurate | Cyrus | IMU | | |
14 | 10th November | 13th November | Dynamic Modeling in Simulink : The model described in the paper is not resonant with the simulation achieved | Cyrus | Simulation | Read new papers | Have a closer look at the Maths of the simulation |
15 | 13th November | 14th November | Lost Barrel jack connectors | Max | Logistics | Ordered new Connectors | Ordered new Connectors |
16 | 17th November | 18th November | Small pin hole size for soldering fuses | Amit | PDB | Use the completed footprint for soldering | Solder the Fuses on the entire footprint of the Fuse |